Journal of Science&Research
The BCESC Journal of “Science& Research” is published semiannually in English. The journal includes articles, case studies, research papers, reports and book reviews. The Editors don’t accept responsibility for the views or statements expressed by the authors.
The journal "Science & Research" is officially included in National reference list of contemporary Bulgarian scientific journals with scientific review.
Manuscript review:
Submissions will be reviewed by double-blind review process and will be published based on the recommendations of reviewers.
The papers should be submitted to the Editorial Office, Bulgarian Chamber for Education, Science and Culture, 39 Han Asparuh Str. Fl. 1, ap. 1, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria, Tel./Fax + 359 2 9879239,, e-mail: Този имейл адрес е защитен от спам ботове. Трябва да имате пусната JavaScript поддръжка, за да го видите. .
The papers should be written in English and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Paper Format:
Do not use any templates, type in blank file. It is recommended minimal formatting. The paper should be written in Microsoft Word with font 12 pt Arial or Times New Roman for the body and 10 pt Arial for Footnotes. Manuscripts should be 1,5 lines spaced, A4 format, no more than 20 standard pages in length (including tables and figures). Include title page, abstract, up to three JEL classification codes, manuscript text, references as footnotes, tables/figures, acknowledgments (if applicable). The title page includes manuscript title, author(s) name(s), academic degree, present position(s) or affiliation (s), and correspondence address (es) including e-mail. The abstract should outline the aims and conclusions of the paper (approximately of 150 words). References and citations should be given as footnotes with single ascending numeration containing author’s last names and initials, full title in italics, publisher, place and year of publication. Tables, figures/diagrams must be integrated into text in appropriate place, clearly numbered and include title caption.
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